Since my last post...
-I cleaned the bathroom.
-John came home.
-We had our first and second company -- thanks to Christi, and David & Traci, and Kaits! It was fun, and between both sets of company we consumed 2 gallons of ice cream.
-I quit my job.
-And I think that's all. I do have some pictures though, which are more fun than words most of the time.
This picture has been posted in hopes that John will see it and never look like that for a picture again :)
Being home for hours upon hours causes you to do crazy things. (Seriously though, the magazine came with some of the pages inverted)
This is John throwing away our bagel bites. Using Jim as our health role model, we're going to try to be more healthy. Throwing away our ho-ho's and bagel bites was the first step. We had strawberries for desert tonight. They were yummy, but somehow they didn't cut it. I found myself wanting to make no-bake cookies SOOOO badly. I think I like processed sugar too much. John wouldn't let me make the cookies. He IS taking a nap right now though...