Monday, August 18, 2008

My trip to the neurologist

For lack of good material, I thought I'd post about my latest trip to the doctor. I normally don't really mind going to the doctor, so long as it's not to get any shots. The nurse had mentioned something about blood work though (okay, said they were going to do it, but I was just HOPING against everything, that it was just a maybe). Anyways, I was a little mentally preoccupied when I got there and started filling out my new-patient paperwork. I got back to the exam room and was sitting on the crinkly paper bed SOOO stressed about the possibility of bloodwork when two male doctors walked in. Ahem. I made an appointment with a girl doctor. Hellooo!! That was my first clue that something wasn't right. Then he started asking me questions about who referred me, and I realized that his white jacket said "NEUROLOGY!" The front desk lady gave me the wrong paperwork, and so I got the very wrong doctor. They fixed it, and I waited for the new doctor.

It was cool, her daughter had worked at Panera before, (I work there now) and I was starting to think I liked her. Then she dropped the bomb. "How would you feel about doing some blood work?" I told her I had a fear of needles, started crying like a baby (maybe the neurologist should have stayed), and she said she still wanted to do it. They used a teeny tiny needle they use on babies, and the doctor actually held my hand. All in all it was okay (I only freak out before and after, not so much during). I survived my first drawing of blood from my body, and that gives me hope that maybe I WILL be able to make it through the blood work involved in a pregnancy. Take hope mother and mother-in-law... John and I may give you grandchildren yet!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

this is getting old.

This is the third night this week I'll be going to bed alone. Oh, he's always there when I wake up, I'm okay with waking up alone. I get to leisurely check my email, shower, whatever I want. I really don't like going to sleep alone. The apartment makes more noises at night.

John and I were just starting to get to the good part in our movie, but it wasn't scary yet thankfully. Anyways. I just went into the kitchen because I was hungry, and I almost got a carrot out of the fridge because I haven't had my 3-5 servings of veggies today, but then I saw the donuts on top of the fridge and was like "you know what... THREE times this week. It's Saturday night and I'm alone. I'm eating an entire donut." So I did. And it was fantastic. Thanks mom and Christi for the donuts.

Oh well. At least it's a short trip and he'll be home before morning. Maybe he'll even get to go to church with me :) Yesterday John flew a passenger trip instead of cargo. It was a team of doctors that he flew from Cincinnati down to Texas to pick up some organ from a person that had just died, and then flew them back to Cincinnati to do the transplant. He said they actually got on with a cooler. He got home at 2:30 AM with an incredible amount of energy so we stayed up and talked for a while. And then slept in until almost 10. I guess there are some perks to his job. It's going to stink royally when I start my job though!

Okay that's all. I just don't like being all alone, and blogging feels like talking. Which is probably why I blogstalk people when I'm alone...