Fact #2 When I am home alone I have to have the shower curtain open. If it's closed I am convinced that someone is hiding behind it, to the point that I am too scared to open it and check. I open it now before John leaves for work at night. (waaaay too active of an imagination once it gets dark).
Useless #3 Tomorrow is my birthday :) Someone mailed me a balloon and I instantly blew it up and taped it to our wall. I love birthdays.
FOUR. When I was little, all of our animals (except the dog) had less than a one year life span. Chickens, turkeys, cats... they were either eaten (by us or wild animals), hit by cars, or ran into the woods. Our pets were "seasonal."
Fact #5 I LOVE hot drinks in the winter. Today I have had a mug of coffee, one of hot chai, and another of hot chocolate. Another favorite is hot apple cider.
number 6- My feet are always cold. I wear fuzzy socks, slippers, put that all underneath a blanket, and sometimes my feet are still icy to the touch. I wear socks to bed just to keep from freezing John out when I touch him. Unlike me, he is always hot and wears shorts to bed. So my feet could very easily find skin. Sometimes I do it just to see him jump.
FINALLY 7. Once at work, someone's total came up to $6.66 and she freaked out and made me add a bottle of water so that wouldn't be her total anymore. I like where I work. Another time, I met this guy who knew John back when John lived in Lafayette Indiana and worked at the airport. Pilot worlds are small.
I tag... Suzy , Kaits, and Heidi already did it, as did Peggy. And maybe some bold reader will feel inspired to share seven random things about them. THAT would be fun :) Even just one thing??? If seven people do one thing, maybe I'd still technically be following the game rules.