John and I were going to have a movie and popcorn night Wednesday night, and John decided that MAKING kettle corn would just make the whole experience more memorable. Someone gave us real popcorn kernels as a wedding present, and we had everything else so I didn't object too much (I believe "but it takes sooooooo long" came out of my mouth several times). John started heating the oil and sugar and all was going well-- I was getting just a tiny bit excited for the homemade popcorn that I was waiting so patiently for. Then I heard a pop and John screaming. Like a serious scream of pain. I went over to him and the oil had popped and a big chunk of sugary-oil had landed on his toe. Layers of skin instantly came off his toe. It was gross.
End of the story-- I went to Target while John sat on the couch nursing his toe to get burn cream, gauze, and microwave kettle corn.
And to think he says he would try it again...
5 years ago