First of all, I turned 21 woo-hoo!
And John's birthday is next week but it's Thanksgiving so we celebrated together early. I made him pose with his candles... I think he hates it.
The picture below is his birthday LAST year. I thought I would post it to show how pathetic I am... not much has changed since then at all. I used the same pan to make him brownies two years in a row... I really need something new.
Other than lots of birthdays we've just been working, visiting family, John has been hunting and killed a deer, I've been shopping and killed the bank account-- the usual.
Oh-- I love Christmas even more than I love back-to-school shopping in case you can't tell.
I have been learning to be proficient in driving a stick shift lately. My car has some gas pressure problem, and so until John fixes it, on days that is is feasible I drive his car. It started out very jerky and tense, but I think it's going well... I am going appreciate my automatic car so very much once I get it back.
Our next door neighbor/friends had a baby this past month, and he is so so so cute. We get to see him through the window sometimes.
I signed up for a mini-marathon with my cousin Kaitlyn. Now, before you get impressed and think I'm some fantastic runner I should let you know that I can barely run 3 miles right now. And that's a big barely. It included a lie-down-on-this-bench-to-cure-my-side-ache break, and some stops at traffic lights (Kaitlyn if you read this don't worry, I'll keep training!).
Other than that... John is constantly looking at and applying for jobs so if one day I post that we're moving to Puerto Rico, or Texas or Alaska don't be surprised. I married an adventurer to be sure.
And to end this post... Some pictures of John and my sister Taryn... I think they get along in their craziness very well...