Tuesday, September 28, 2010

i don't like blogging.

It's September now and I don't think I've blogged in many months. I'm not really sure why I blog. I share most of my pictures on facebook... we don't have kids that are super cute and changing... we don't really DO anything... it's not really an inspirational blog... it's not really a funny blog... oh well. With as much as I read other people's blogs and LOVE when they update even if it's a post about nothing, I should do it too.

This is John and I at Jon and Brooke's carving pumpkins!

John was kind of protective of the pumpkin. He did all the scooping of the insides out, he did all the marking of the pattern, and he was pretty sure that no one was allowed to touch the pumpkin but him. And then I got that look on my face, and told him it was "OUR" pumpkin not "HIS" pumpkin. He felt bad and gave the pumpkin to me. By this time though, I didn't want the pumpkin given to me out of pity. I wanted him to WANT me to help him with the pumpkin (yes, we're still at that phase of our marriage). By the end of the pumpkin we were both happy, I got to touch it a little bit, and I let him enjoy the carving without trying to make him feel bad for not wanting me to help. He did an amazing job by the way. This is his pumpkin all lit up. We call it "the howling wolf".

By now it's a little mushy, but we still proudly display it on our front porch!
I love fall :)