Monday, March 31, 2008

Home Alone

John has been gone since Friday afternoon.
I've never stayed home alone before in my entire life.
I was kind of scared that I would have nighttime intruders and I wouldn't hear them... so I devised a plan...


I set this up every night-- that way if someone so much as cracks my door open I'll be able to hear them, grab John's K bar he left behind, and hide. :) Actually I'm hoping the noise scares them away.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Apple Crisp

Last night I ate an entire pan of apple crisp.

It started out simply enough-- we had just finished dinner and I needed something sweet to eat (like I normally do). We had four apples that were getting a little old, so I thought I'd just throw together a small pan of apple crisp. I didn't really measure anything and just sort of did what looked good. When I guessed it was done, the apples were really mushy. I didn't know if baking it longer would make them crispier or MORE mushy, so I just decided to eat it the way it was. It didn't taste like "normal" apple crisp, so John didn't even try it. For some reason, I then felt like I had to prove it was good by eating the entire pan... which I did. Sigh. I then complained the entire evening about feeling fat. Oh the tragedies of my life. On a happier note (sarcasm), John leaves tomorrow :(
So my question is: (mom, since you're the only one that knows about this blog) would cooking the crisp for longer have made it crispier, or more mushy?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Once upon a time...
I promised myself once that I would never become a blogger, but here I sit writing my first post. Having hours upon hours with nothing to do while at work, I discovered the joy of reading blogs of people I don't even know. Not content with merely reading, I created my own. There are benefits of blogging, right? I can stay in touch with my family and friends without calling them ALL... I can waste time... and maybe it will inspire me to take more pictures :)
  • John is in groundschool for IFL Group and is leaving Saturday for simulator training in Texas.
  • I work as a receptionist for a general contracting company.
  • We live in an apartment with the craziest neighbors of all time.
  • We love cookies.
  • We've been painting our apartment for two weeks, and we've only finished one wall.