Thursday, March 27, 2008

Apple Crisp

Last night I ate an entire pan of apple crisp.

It started out simply enough-- we had just finished dinner and I needed something sweet to eat (like I normally do). We had four apples that were getting a little old, so I thought I'd just throw together a small pan of apple crisp. I didn't really measure anything and just sort of did what looked good. When I guessed it was done, the apples were really mushy. I didn't know if baking it longer would make them crispier or MORE mushy, so I just decided to eat it the way it was. It didn't taste like "normal" apple crisp, so John didn't even try it. For some reason, I then felt like I had to prove it was good by eating the entire pan... which I did. Sigh. I then complained the entire evening about feeling fat. Oh the tragedies of my life. On a happier note (sarcasm), John leaves tomorrow :(
So my question is: (mom, since you're the only one that knows about this blog) would cooking the crisp for longer have made it crispier, or more mushy?


Anonymous said...

More "mushy" my dear!!!! It's either a kind of apple that gets mushy when you bake them (you would need to ask Grandma Marti about what kinds are best for baking :) OR you overbaked it and it got mushy cuz that's what pretty much happens when you bake ANY kind of apple tooooooooooo long....I think it's called APPLESAUCE! I still love you even if you mushed the apples AND ate the WHOLE stinkin' pan!

Your Mama~

Caitlin Long said...

So...I obviously have no idea what this post is about, because as soon as I saw the terms 'throw together' and 'baking' I got really confused. ;]

If it makes you feel any better, one time in the 6th grade, my friend and I put 2 cups of salt in our Dia De Los Muertos bread. It was not a good experience...

Anonymous said...

I wish I "got fat" like you. *SIGH* I don't have a great answer for apple crisp, but if you ever need a peach cobbler I could help you out there.
Love you

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled across this post when i googled apple crisp. I just baked an apple crisp (if you can call it "baking"). I used crisp from a box. It was a last miute idea, I was at the food store & saw so many apples that i had to buy some and me & my husband would never eat all those apples in a year so I thought I had a great idea when right next to giant stack of apples there was a box of apple crisp! I just finished making it & I think I made apple sauce with crisp! i used macintosh apples. (while at the food store I googled...thank god for blackberry's.... what apples would be best & macintosh was listed) I cooked it for about 40 min at 350. did i use the wrong apples? maybe you can ask grandma??? also if she has a good way to make apple crisp (not involving a box) maybe you could post it & we can both make a second attempt at apple crisp...for our husbands sake of course! Thanks!