Last night I ate an entire pan of apple crisp.
It started out simply enough-- we had just finished dinner and I needed something sweet to eat (like I normally do). We had four apples that were getting a little old, so I thought I'd just throw together a small pan of apple crisp. I didn't really measure anything and just sort of did what looked good. When I guessed it was done, the apples were really mushy. I didn't know if baking it longer would make them crispier or MORE mushy, so I just decided to eat it the way it was. It didn't taste like "normal" apple crisp, so John didn't even try it. For some reason, I then felt like I had to prove it was good by eating the entire pan... which I did. Sigh. I then complained the entire evening about feeling fat. Oh the tragedies of my life. On a happier note (sarcasm), John leaves tomorrow :(
So my question is: (mom, since you're the only one that knows about this blog) would cooking the crisp for longer have made it crispier, or more mushy?
5 years ago
More "mushy" my dear!!!! It's either a kind of apple that gets mushy when you bake them (you would need to ask Grandma Marti about what kinds are best for baking :) OR you overbaked it and it got mushy cuz that's what pretty much happens when you bake ANY kind of apple tooooooooooo long....I think it's called APPLESAUCE! I still love you even if you mushed the apples AND ate the WHOLE stinkin' pan!
Your Mama~
So...I obviously have no idea what this post is about, because as soon as I saw the terms 'throw together' and 'baking' I got really confused. ;]
If it makes you feel any better, one time in the 6th grade, my friend and I put 2 cups of salt in our Dia De Los Muertos bread. It was not a good experience...
I wish I "got fat" like you. *SIGH* I don't have a great answer for apple crisp, but if you ever need a peach cobbler I could help you out there.
Love you
I just stumbled across this post when i googled apple crisp. I just baked an apple crisp (if you can call it "baking"). I used crisp from a box. It was a last miute idea, I was at the food store & saw so many apples that i had to buy some and me & my husband would never eat all those apples in a year so I thought I had a great idea when right next to giant stack of apples there was a box of apple crisp! I just finished making it & I think I made apple sauce with crisp! i used macintosh apples. (while at the food store I googled...thank god for blackberry's.... what apples would be best & macintosh was listed) I cooked it for about 40 min at 350. did i use the wrong apples? maybe you can ask grandma??? also if she has a good way to make apple crisp (not involving a box) maybe you could post it & we can both make a second attempt at apple crisp...for our husbands sake of course! Thanks!
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