Thursday, April 3, 2008

My week as a single person (again)

Friday - discovered flowers, chocolates, and a card on the table left for me from my love; promptly cried and ate cookie dough for dinner; developed my noise making system to ward of scary nighttime intruders.
Saturday - Bought donuts and ice cream and watched movies all day in a state of self pity and depression.
Sunday - Church, Starbucks and Target with Caitlin--the ultimate pick-me-up.
Monday - I went to Bill and Trudy's, discovered sweet potato french fries, and was given a tour of the "high end" shopping of Somerset and Birmingham by Trudy. We walked through all the sweet home decorating stores, scheming of ways to do it cheaper at T.J. Maxx
Tuesday - Diane Kaisner and I went out for dinner and a really cute Mexican restaurant and talked about outrageous AC weddings where the girls carried flowers! I finished my half gallon of ice cream this day.
Wednesday- found out John is coming home on Friday. Feeling motivated now... After I got home from work I painted, got groceries, exercised, did the dishes and took out the trash.

I'm glad he's coming home.

On a side note: I haven't cleaned the bathroom since John left. I pretty much just use what I need and then put it back on the counter. I think it saves time. I don't think John will like it very much though. What do you think, should I clean it up before he comes home? :) :)



Anonymous said...

Such an organized mess though...surely he won't mind sitting his toiletries on the floor in deference to you leaving your creativity for all to see :)

Glad he is coming home on Friday. The reunion will be sweet.


Caitlin Long said...

HA! I love it.

Can I have that picture to frame on my wall? I'm pretty sure it's art.

andrew k said...

Don't clean it up. If he really loves you, he'll work around it.

Wasn't he a bachelor at one point? He should be really really grateful that at least it doesn't smell...

Jim said...

hey, some bachelors are actually clean and smell nice..