Friday, April 25, 2008


To my one faithful reader (my dear mother) I apologize for my blogging silence. It shall not happen again.

Since my last post...
-I cleaned the bathroom.
-John came home.
-We had our first and second company -- thanks to Christi, and David & Traci, and Kaits! It was fun, and between both sets of company we consumed 2 gallons of ice cream.
-I quit my job.
-And I think that's all. I do have some pictures though, which are more fun than words most of the time.


This picture has been posted in hopes that John will see it and never look like that for a picture again :)

Being home for hours upon hours causes you to do crazy things. (Seriously though, the magazine came with some of the pages inverted)

This is John throwing away our bagel bites. Using Jim as our health role model, we're going to try to be more healthy. Throwing away our ho-ho's and bagel bites was the first step. We had strawberries for desert tonight. They were yummy, but somehow they didn't cut it. I found myself wanting to make no-bake cookies SOOOO badly. I think I like processed sugar too much. John wouldn't let me make the cookies. He IS taking a nap right now though...


Jim said...

quick.. make the cookies while he's sleeping.. when the smell wakes him up he'll be glad you did :)

..if you want any tips on eating like a freak, gimmie a ring ;)

Anonymous said...

Bagel bites are so good though! Next time mail them to me.

And you can still eat healthy with a treat now and then....

Anonymous said...

just so you know, amy, your mother is not the sole reader of this fine blog. i found myself venturing here several times only to sadly find no new updates. ;)

look at it this way, you're informing this soon-to-be-wed girl a thing or two about marriage... although i do hope my marriage includes bagel bites and lots of processed sugar! ;)

take care,

Anonymous said...

Yes... This is your Mother dear... I read your post last week... but was so busy over the weekend trying to forget how much I miss you.... that I failed to post a comment :)

Yes, I was wondering what was up with John's expressions when you take pictures to send to his dear Mother-in-law.... It's always the same thing :{)[] Kinda of half smile...kinda cheesy....kinda...WIERD!! I still love ya, John... Your're the ONLY son I have!


Love your Mother Dear

heysoos said...
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Anonymous said...

Jimminy Crickets, There are a ton of people posting on here for just one person reading this blog.
Anyway, I like your red wall. We have one in our kitchen too. It invokes a lot of passion...for food.

--John.and.Amy said...

I think I've reached blogging nerdness when having comments on my blog is just as exciting as getting a present :) Thanks guys, for making this week like Christmas all over again :p

Autumn-- Bagel bites were a staple for the first couple weeks after we were married. Go for them! :)

heysoos said...

that autumn chick makes a good point. sole reader my FOOT. [hot foot thought it might be...]

ANYWAYS. good for you for trying to eat healthy. just keep in mind that unless you have a some dire need to eat healthy like jim-boy, you won't have to worry about losing ALL of your yummy food habits. just aim healthy and you'll end up at a happy medium. at least, it sounds like a good plan. :]

AHH he's such a cheese-ball. but a cute one. aww so sweet.

can't wait to see you. you have no idea how much i miss you. but how SO INCREDIBLY EXCITED I AM that you're my sister :]
x's & o's.
hugs to johnny

megs said...

guess what? i just found your blog. i didn't know you had one. now i do. i'm very sad that i had to work other wise i would have come w/ david and trace to visit. hopefully i'll get to see you soon!! love you dearest!


Ry said...

I think that no matter how many photos people take of Johnny embarrassing himself, it won't ever be enough to make him stop. And maybe that's a good thing.