Monday, May 19, 2008

photo blog

I'm not really in the mood to write, but we have been doing a lot. Instead of writing about all of it, I'll just put up some pictures that don't really show what we did. I went to California for Mother's day and saw both of my mothers. It was kind of cloudy most of the time, but I it was so great to see everyone from Altadena again, and get to spend an evening with Christi and Suzy, and share a room with Taryn again. Here are a couple pictures from that:



JodyMom told me about this "eating for your blood type" diet which says basically that every blood type metabolizes and responds to foods differently. A+ people are not supposed to eat red meat, most dairy products, bananas, oranges, and random other things, so here is me and my dad holding up the "bad foods" for us.

John and I also went to Leo for Kyle's birthday. That was fun. Happy birthday Kyle.

posting weird pictures of my husband did not deter him from making his face again.

And these are some stones he put in when he was landscaping with Paragon landscaping a couple of summers ago. This doesn't have to do with anything, but he's just so fun to look at...


That's about all. We painted some more.
And made a batch of brownies but just left the batter in the fridge and ate them slowly over a couple of days.
And John bought a kayak.
And my family is moving back next month.
And Christi gave me a bunch of her old clothes so I look better dressed (and she can get more).
And our shower needs to be cleaned because we cleaned out our paint brushes in their and it's all orange.
Oh. The sink too.
Basically the whole bathroom actually. Just be glad there are no pictures of the bathroom this time!


Anonymous said...


I was starting to wonder if you would EVER Blog again... So glad you did! The pictures are great... Can I have them too, please?
YEAH!!! Your family is moving back! I can't wait... Maybe a rather large mosquito that resides at Grandma and Grandpa's house, will pick me up and carry me to your apartment on any given day of the week , and we can do Panera, Garage Sale, and drink really strong coffee together.....since gas prices are so HIGH of course!

Love you,

Your Mama

Anonymous said...

The antibodies linked to your bloodtype don't have a whole lot to do with digestion and nutrient uptake...

Caitlin Long said...

Amy! I love the pics, and am so excited for the return of the fam☺

Also, this orange paint business is intruiging...what did you paint?