Friday, June 27, 2008


This past week was Vacation Bible School at our church, and since I have no job, I was able to go every day, and play with/watch-so-they-don't-escape the little kids that were too young to go to VBS classes with their moms. It was fun-- I got to experience the good part of kids. Two hours a day, when (most of them) they aren't tired, are fed, and other people change their diapers. I also got to hear about weaning kids, trying to get them to sleep through the night, allergies, and watch them not share and hit each other while their moms try to figure out who had the toy first, and all that NOT fun stuff. The whole week was a blast though; I actually got to get out of the house and see people!

Our power went out for a day, and our ice cream melted :(
Tom and Jody came to see us (well, to vacation, but they did see us :)) and that was lots of fun. It was a like a mini vacation for us too!
My family moved back and are living with my Grandparents only an hour away!
John and I started reading "Waking the Dead" by John Eldridge. We really like it-- I would recommend it.
Blogger has spell check! I know this because I spelled recommend wrong. But before I could embarrass myself with a huge spelling error it caught me!

I think that's all that has been happening. Its horribly hot out. We turned our AC on :(

I think I might go to the grocery store tonight or tomorrow. Hershey bars are on sale, and John and I's latest favorite desert is s'mores. The microwave creates almost the same effect as far as taste, and we're out of chocolate. Although maybe I shouldn't... I think in the last two weeks we have had 12 Hershey bars :-$ Maybe it was three weeks... that sounds better huh?


Caitlin Long said...

you wrote about so many topics, i don't know where to begin!

question: did you steal any of these little kids?

opinion: it is entirely too hot for s'mores :O

random comment: speaking of going to the grocery know that 'stuff' john used to make the 'stuff' we 'stuffed' while watching the secret garden? you can get it at the place where i work for you can make more 'stuff' ;]

--John.and.Amy said...

I almost stole Kaleigh. Where were you Sunday? We just may have to visit your Target for some "stuff." John 'stuffed' all of our 'stuff' and now we have no more :(

Anonymous said...

thanks for the slight font-size change...easier to read.