Wednesday, July 30, 2008

gun pictures are serious

John and I have been looking at houses lately. We so don't have money for a house, and we're not even sure how long we'll stay in the area, but it's not like we have a lot to do, and it's fun! Yesterday we went and looked at one, and when John tried the door (something my parents taught us... ) it was open so we went in and looked around. It felt kind of dangerous, but very fun. They had a fish tank built into the wall in the basement.

This morning John scooped what he thought was pepper off of the counter into his scrambled eggs... it was actually my coffee grounds. He didn't find me laughing at him very funny.

We went to Bay City last weekend. It's fun being at my grandparent's house. They live almost in the middle of a forest. At one point during the weekend John and Christi went out behind the garage to shoot a gun... just because they could.

Christi told John he wasn't allowed to smile in a picture with a gun.

That's all. Now John is on his way to Mexico and then Canada and then hopefully home. Who knows how long that will take. At least I don't have to make dinner ;)


Autumn said...

ah yes, the making of dinner... i don't cook near as often as i thought i would, but (so far) no one is complaining. ;)
perhaps i'm a stalker, but i always enjoy reading your blog posts, i'm so glad to hear things are going so well for you both.

Caitlin Long said...

haha...the coffee grounds thing could almost be considered a prank. job well done ;]

if john read this...SHAME, SHAME, SHAME ;[

Peggy said...

I love the pics! They sure do look dangerous.

Anonymous said...

VERY FUNNY! So glad we live closer to each other now....

Love you both!


--John.and.Amy said...

Autumn, there is nothing wrong with being a blog stalker. I am one, and proud of it!

Caitlin, it has been far too long since we've pranked. I'm losing my touch to where I don't even recognize a good prank when I see one. I should ALWAYS leave coffee grounds on the counter!