Monday, August 18, 2008

My trip to the neurologist

For lack of good material, I thought I'd post about my latest trip to the doctor. I normally don't really mind going to the doctor, so long as it's not to get any shots. The nurse had mentioned something about blood work though (okay, said they were going to do it, but I was just HOPING against everything, that it was just a maybe). Anyways, I was a little mentally preoccupied when I got there and started filling out my new-patient paperwork. I got back to the exam room and was sitting on the crinkly paper bed SOOO stressed about the possibility of bloodwork when two male doctors walked in. Ahem. I made an appointment with a girl doctor. Hellooo!! That was my first clue that something wasn't right. Then he started asking me questions about who referred me, and I realized that his white jacket said "NEUROLOGY!" The front desk lady gave me the wrong paperwork, and so I got the very wrong doctor. They fixed it, and I waited for the new doctor.

It was cool, her daughter had worked at Panera before, (I work there now) and I was starting to think I liked her. Then she dropped the bomb. "How would you feel about doing some blood work?" I told her I had a fear of needles, started crying like a baby (maybe the neurologist should have stayed), and she said she still wanted to do it. They used a teeny tiny needle they use on babies, and the doctor actually held my hand. All in all it was okay (I only freak out before and after, not so much during). I survived my first drawing of blood from my body, and that gives me hope that maybe I WILL be able to make it through the blood work involved in a pregnancy. Take hope mother and mother-in-law... John and I may give you grandchildren yet!


Peggy said...

YOU DID IT!!! Yeah! Do you or your mom have any memories as to why you might fear needles so much?!? You know, childhood trauma type stuff. It might help you to overcome it if you knew where it came from in the first place. I am glad the doctors were sweet to you....that definately helps. I hate having my throat numb and the sensation that I am not swallowing correctly. So I go to an ear nose and throat guy for my Thyroid and he decides without telling me that he is going to check out my vocal chords by inserting a tiny camera on a tube down my throat. The other thing he fails to tell me is that he is going to numb my throat to do it. He says..."open up" I obey and squirt goes the numbing agent. I freaked out at him completely. Even with the numbing agent I still gag on the tube so badly that he has to pull it out and go down my nose instead. MUCH BETTER let me tell you. So, I am thankful that you didn't have one like that! Those kind are yucky! I hope whatever you were having bloodwork for proved to be ok!.
Love you

Caitlin Long said...

Someday this story will be very funny ;] Also, I'm sorry I couldn't be there to catch you when you 'almost fainted' like you were there to catch me!

Heidi said...


Amy, I am SOOO proud of you! You are WAY braver than I would ever be. I'd probably flat out refuse to have blood drawn.

*grin* You can have children, and I will adopt some of them, because I don't know if I'll ever let someone get near me with a needle like that!

Braden said...

Haha...I've had similar experiences being a lab T.A. at school during the bloodwork labs. People are supposed to draw their own or their lab partner's blood...but sometimes they practically faint.

Anonymous said...

Further proof you need your own personal phlebotomist living near at hand for when the need arises. =]

Proud of you, Ames! Looking forward to seeing you this weekend.