Wednesday, October 29, 2008

the dreaded question...

Caitlin tagged me a very long time ago to share 7 random facts about myself. Can I make my number one be that I hate, hate HATE having to share "interesting facts" about myself. You know when you go somewhere and they use that as the ice breaking, introduction. :) And yet I'm still doing this. Because I like Caitlin.

Fact #2 When I am home alone I have to have the shower curtain open. If it's closed I am convinced that someone is hiding behind it, to the point that I am too scared to open it and check. I open it now before John leaves for work at night. (waaaay too active of an imagination once it gets dark).

Useless #3 Tomorrow is my birthday :) Someone mailed me a balloon and I instantly blew it up and taped it to our wall. I love birthdays.

FOUR. When I was little, all of our animals (except the dog) had less than a one year life span. Chickens, turkeys, cats... they were either eaten (by us or wild animals), hit by cars, or ran into the woods. Our pets were "seasonal."

Fact #5 I LOVE hot drinks in the winter. Today I have had a mug of coffee, one of hot chai, and another of hot chocolate. Another favorite is hot apple cider.

number 6- My feet are always cold. I wear fuzzy socks, slippers, put that all underneath a blanket, and sometimes my feet are still icy to the touch. I wear socks to bed just to keep from freezing John out when I touch him. Unlike me, he is always hot and wears shorts to bed. So my feet could very easily find skin. Sometimes I do it just to see him jump.

FINALLY 7. Once at work, someone's total came up to $6.66 and she freaked out and made me add a bottle of water so that wouldn't be her total anymore. I like where I work. Another time, I met this guy who knew John back when John lived in Lafayette Indiana and worked at the airport. Pilot worlds are small.


I tag... Suzy , Kaits, and Heidi already did it, as did Peggy. And maybe some bold reader will feel inspired to share seven random things about them. THAT would be fun :) Even just one thing??? If seven people do one thing, maybe I'd still technically be following the game rules.


Peggy said...

I LOVE the part about having seasonal pets! That was good for a chuckle.
Typically, I'm always cold too. However, since being pg I AM HOOOOTTTT! So, I guess if you want warm feet get pg LOL :0)

Caitlin Long said...

yay for random facts about amy! you should add hot vernors to your list of hot drinks. it cures any illness ;]

Kaitlyn I said...

fun times. i am drinking hot tea right now. Gotta love winter.

Heidi said...

I am so glad I'm not the only one who freaks out when home by herself when it's dark. I also have a fear of closed shower curtains, along with open closet doors. :)

Autumn said...

i presented five random facts on my blog, just for you. ;)

Jim said...

Great post Ames... btw...


hope its a good one,

- your bro-in-law

heysoos said...

=] loved it. now read mine. =P
miss you, love you.

AH YOU'RE MY SISTER!!!!!!! lol. yay!

Jane said...

Amy dear, I learned so much about you today! This is the first time that I read your blog. Since Tyler started a blog, I guess I will be checking in often. You have the same birthday as Steve. Happy belated! I drink hot drinks all day too--mostly tea, but some hot chocolate and Cecily's homemade chai is my favorite. Cold feet is in the genes in this family,in more ways than one and ditto for the life span of cats.