Saturday, October 4, 2008

a spontaneous erruption of words

I keep intending to post something on here. I tell myself that I'll do it when John leaves for work... but when John leaves for work I get bummed out. And there are always dinner dishes that just bum me out further. And the fact that I have to get up and work on a Sunday morning. Basically, having a husband that works third shift and leaves me alone lots at night just puts me in a negative mood.

Since I haven't posted in FOREVER I'll update you on the important things. John quit his flying cargo job. He spent a month not working, and just started working as a mechanic for Mesaba airline this Wednesday night at 9 PM. He works 9PM to 7:30AM and then drives home and sleeps until about four, and then we hang out/eat/he showers, etc. until he leaves home at 7:50PM to do it all over again. The benefit of the ten hour shift is that he'll get three days off... but until then I kind of miss him. I know, I know. 3 and a half hours together isn't bad... but when you're used to THE ENTIRE DAY (or at least 2-10) it's a HUGE adjustment (for John too :))

John and I went to California for his brother Jim's wedding a week ago. That was an absolute blast, and I'll post pictures and tell about the fun stuff some other night. Probably not tomorrow, because posting two nights in a row would just be too much :p

My parents and Taryn came down this morning, so I could hang out with them on my day off (John was sleeping). They helped me pick out some more paint for our new place we're moving into (a duplex this time, up from an apartment! AND closer to John's work, so he won't have to leave as early). Oh. And Taryn made us some animals out of paper.

This evening was gorgeous. John and I drove down to the airport with some travel mugs of hot chocolate, opened the sun roof, and watched airplanes land. It was fun :) John also informed me tonight, how fun it would be to buy an airplane instead of a house and just live in the hanger with the airplane. I'm pretty sure he was kidding, so I said it would be tons and tons of fun.

I should blog more often. This almost feels like I'm talking to someone. Well... I really should do the dishes tonight. Otherwise I'll have to do them tomorrow night after I come home from painting the duplex after coming from Crown Bible Study AFTER coming from work. I think I'll be tired. But tonight I'm home alone and bummed out :( Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night my honey has off... maybe they can wait until then :) :)


Kaitlyn I said...

I miss you. It was good to hear your voice. I was right across the steet from Bekah and Aaron's when I got off the phone with you. I hope you guys come visit me soon. Miss you bunches and wish I would have gotten to talk to you more last night!

Caitlin Long said...

Amy! I love you and it bums me out that I won't get to see you tomorrow :['ll be leaving me alone with Craig and Derek. No promises of good behavior.

Also, now that John has converted/brain washed you into watching airplanes for fun, does that mean I will be indirectly impacted by this phenomenon?

Miss you!

Peggy said...

Hey Am,
I would be totally bummed out too if John worked nights. Is there any chance that he will get moved to days at some point?
I thouht I might share a little secret for those evening is called The World's Most Dangerous Cake in a Mug and it only takes 5 MIN to make! Chocolate always makes things better doesn't it? Here is the recipe:

4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons baking cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips(optional)
a small splash of vanilla essence
1 coffee mug

Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well
Add the egg and mix thoroughly.
Pour in the milk and oil and mix well.
Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla essence, and mix again.

Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts. The
cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed!

Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired.
EAT! (this can serve 2 if you want to feel slightly more virtuous).

It's not a perfect cake as you might imagine, but it is good and chocolatey and if you eat it still warm.....even better!

One other thing to give you something to smile about.....I don't know if you heard this, but Mark and Kelly Ramseyer are expecting! SURPRISE!!!! ;) Verifying once again that God has a sense of humor.
Love you

Heidi said...

Awww...your post made me sad that you have to spend your nights alone. I'm pretty sure I would never sleep if I had to stay home by myself.

That chocolate cake thing sounds amazing. Since I am home by myself right now (my husband gets really bored watching me "study"), I may have to try it. :)