Tuesday, November 4, 2008

WE MOVED!! (... and have no internet)

YAY! Saturday was our official moving day, and we spent our first night there. John has been sleeping there during the day every now and then, but that doesn't count. Our place looks great. And I just finished my interview at the Canton Panera (the only reason I'm able to blog, because we don't have internet at our house yet)... it was SOO not worth stressing over. The very word "interview" makes my heart beat faster and my stomach feel sick. Turns out all I had to do was write down my name and address and tell him my availability. Super easy. And I got a free coffee out of it, so now as I sit and take use of the free internet, I can drink free coffee too!! I'm being good to the budget today!! :)

Other than moving not too much is going on. We have the downstairs totally put together, and I'm pretending the upstairs doesn't exist.

I had a great birthday with John. He took me out for dinner, and even walked around Bed Bath and Beyond with me (this was a big deal. He had worked the night before and hadn't slept all day either. I told him he could sleep in the car while I walked around the store, and he STILL came in. He loves me :)).

That's all. I think we're going to Bay City this weekend so John can kill us a deer. I'll let you know how that goes :)


Caitlin Long said...

have fun at the new place! what are you going to do with this deer once john caps it?

i was driving home from the BC last weekend and saw this dude in an ity bity car with a huge deer strapped to the back. the deer may have actually been bigger than the car...good times.

Heidi said...

Don't forget to post pictures of your new place soon!

And happy birthday!

heysoos said...

hehe =] sounds like life is good to you.
so. turns out, my brother is amazing. good thing you married him.
lol i miss you.

Jim said...


you going to post a picture of the poor dead animal?