John and I went for a drive today. Not really to do anything or go anywhere... just out for a drive, looking at houses, seeing what there is to see in Canton. I remember when my parents would do that with us and it would drive me crazy... :-O We ended up at the library where they have
John and I both have this entire weekend off, so today we're trying to get some stuff done around the house. We're trimming an insanely ugly and thorny bush, rehanging a mirror, planting some flowers, moving a big comfy chair out of our kitchen and back upstairs where it belongs... lots of little stuff. We'll probably move out of this house before we have everything painted and hung. OH! Completely unrelated -- John bought me
wii fit :) :) :)
SOOOO happy.
We're going on a family vacation with John's ENTIRE family next month. It was a blast last year without Suzy, Jim, 0r
Krissa, so it can only be better this year.
John is going to be working third shift for another six months for sure. He's slowly (I think) getting more used to the schedule and able to get better sleep during the day. He's even stopped taking pop to work to drink on his lunch! I still love working at Panera only for the people I work with. I am SO not cut out to be in a service industry of any sort, other than serving children. I get way too irritated when people behave in a way that I don't think they should. I really do like going to work though.