Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas 09

We're back from vacation! It was absolutely beautiful-- only one day was super nice weather, but there was no work, no dishes, no worrying or thinking and lots of family!
Below is the day we spent in Cozumel MX (the super nice day)

John and I at dinner one night
The entire family (minus Grandma and Baby Cosette) all strapped in for the zipline in Honduras.

Suzy, Kristen and Me waiting for the comedy act.

Christmas with my family the day after we came home from the cruise. I think each of those stockings were stuffed almost entirely with candy of some form. Our freezer is now full of chocolate.
It was such a nice vacation. It's such a blessing to get along with and enjoy John's family so much. It helps so much that I knew all of them as friends beforehand.
Now it's back to real boring life. FYI John hasn't heard anything back from that job in Texas.
Happy New Year everyone! :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

countdown to vacation time!

I've been sick for about a week with an energy-sucking head cold. The laundry hasn't been done. John has made dinner the past two nights. Good luck finding whatever you're looking for if you left it on the floor because it's a popular place for everything from tootsie roll wrappers to coupons that fell off the table to cranberries from stringing cranberries and popcorn the other night. Working six days this week may also have contributed to me wanting to just sit on the couch and sleep. John has been a trooper though and has run errands for me, not complained about wearing the same clothes to work days in a row, and gotten me medicine when I don't feel like moving. And now he's coming down with it. It'll be my turn to take care of him next :)

We leave for vacation in 13 days. SOOOOOO excited. We're so busy until then, I think it's going to fly by.

John has an interview this upcoming Wednesday morning, and we would appreciate any prayers people would be willing to give on our behalf. It would be such a great career move, but as with last time, leaving our friends, family and home would be difficult.

I think that's all. Just for fun I counted the pairs of shoes that are on the floor in our living room and NOT in the clost-- 5 pairs of shoes. Think we're lazy?? :)