Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas 09

We're back from vacation! It was absolutely beautiful-- only one day was super nice weather, but there was no work, no dishes, no worrying or thinking and lots of family!
Below is the day we spent in Cozumel MX (the super nice day)

John and I at dinner one night
The entire family (minus Grandma and Baby Cosette) all strapped in for the zipline in Honduras.

Suzy, Kristen and Me waiting for the comedy act.

Christmas with my family the day after we came home from the cruise. I think each of those stockings were stuffed almost entirely with candy of some form. Our freezer is now full of chocolate.
It was such a nice vacation. It's such a blessing to get along with and enjoy John's family so much. It helps so much that I knew all of them as friends beforehand.
Now it's back to real boring life. FYI John hasn't heard anything back from that job in Texas.
Happy New Year everyone! :)


Caitlin Long said...

You're kind-of gorgeous :]

Awesome photos---I'm glad you got some relaxation in! Happy New Year! Love you❤

=Drew said...

just spent a few days at the beach with 20 of my family and relatives - such good times! looks like you had a very memorable christmas!

love to you guys!

Jane said...

Welcome home. I love the photos from your trip. The dress up one--WOW! You always look this nice, but, Johnny....don't you wish he dressed up like that a little more often--good looking dude you have. I love those Knochels too, they are great!!!! I checked out Laurie's pictures on facebook last night. I love the one with Sis and her kids--so sweet.

jody said...

well...I'm a little late reading this post...but it brings a smile to my face all the same! Precious memories indeed! Much to praise God for! More memory-building ONE WEEK! Countdown is on...