Thursday, March 11, 2010


We are moving! I know I'm about a week and a half late with this post, but it's finally here!

I have tons of time to tell the story since the baby I'm babysitting for is sleeping and I'm here all alone with nothing to do... so prepare for a loooooonnnnggg boring read! :) Last October John received a job offer for a Maintenance Quality Assurance Inspector position in South Bend, IN. Neither of us were excited about it for some reason (in spite of the fact that John has an awesome cousin living there... who is moving away from there now... funny huh?) and didn't feel good about it so John turned it down. Fast forward to February of this year, and John applied for the same position with the same airline but in Fort Wayne IN. He figured he either had a really good chance because the interview was with the same guy that offered John the job in October, or basically no chance because John had already turned him down once. Turns out, the guy offered John the job on the spot and he starts on the 21st. Oh by the way-- the airline is shutting down the South Bend base soon. I love that God knows the future and what happens when we trust HIM to direct our life. :)

Whew. We are very happy about moving to the Leo area. We have an apartment for now, and I'm just looking forward to getting established this summer. No work for a while for me... my wonderful cousin Kaitlyn is going to be in Leo for the summer (SO excited Kaits :)) and I've heard that Leo is amazing in the summer. I don't really know that much about John's job other than that he's very excited about the things the company is going to certify and train him in. It will benefit him greatly when/should he decide to leave this company.

All in all it will be a good move for us, however, I am sad to be leaving behind all of the friends I've made here.... living next door to Laura has been a blessing words cannot describe. I am incredibly thankful to have been a part of so many children's (and their mom's) lives while we've lived here.
We are looking forward to what God has planned for this next season of our lives! :)


Natalie said...

Wow how amazing is that?! Good thing you didn't let Grandma K make the decision about South Bend for you huh? : )
Psalm 16:6 "The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea I have a goodly heritage." We really are very blessed aren't we? I suspect you guys will enjoy living in Leo. : )
PS I think "awesome" is a bit much. . . : )

=Drew said...

'Tis so TOTALLY sweet to trust in Jesus! =D I just love that the South Bend base won't even be around! He loves it when we look for Him and are willing and obedient cuz it allows Him to display His delight in us and do things that build our faith in Him.

Jon y Amy said...

Hey, I heard about you guys coming to Leo! That is great! So excited to have you here!


Jane said...

So, what is Kaitlyn doing in Leo this summer???? How cool is that? God is going before you and preparing the way. We love you and are doulbely excited about your arrival on our fair land. Come for supper often.

jody said...

Oh Amy dear...I love how you declare the faithfulness of God! And I love how He is making your paths straight! You are a wife SO suitable for Johnny, willingly going where the Lord leads...and it's a journey! This is more than I could have ever thought of or asked for! All the open arms to welcome you, all the goodbye blessings from so many who love you in Detroit....God is good!