Monday, March 31, 2008

Home Alone

John has been gone since Friday afternoon.
I've never stayed home alone before in my entire life.
I was kind of scared that I would have nighttime intruders and I wouldn't hear them... so I devised a plan...


I set this up every night-- that way if someone so much as cracks my door open I'll be able to hear them, grab John's K bar he left behind, and hide. :) Actually I'm hoping the noise scares them away.


Anonymous said...

You are truly a smart and resourceful women, Amy Jo..... That's MY girl( probably acquired these abilities from your Father, not me).....

Either way.... I'm proud of you!~ Just think how easy the rest of life will be because of these challenges earlier on in your life :)

Love you,

Your Mama

Caitlin Long said...

Haha! I remember this picture...and think it is ingenious :D

So, the door handle to my room at the apartment keeps acting shady, and last night it finally crossed the line. I was half-asleep when I heard a twisting/tugging noise. I looked up and Sarah was standing by the door, trying to get out--we were locked in!

We had to pound on the wall to get our roommate's attention, and after a lot of pulling, she got the door open.

Maybe if we traded door handles, you would feel safer, because no one would be able to get in or out...

Anonymous said...

WOW! That is amazing! You are quite creative. If that doesn't scare 'em away I don't know what will. Don't know how far you are from the stairs, but if you are close to them you could always add marbles outside your door so any potential intruders go for a ride down the stairs should they walk up to your door. Isn't that what the kid did in Home Alone? Anyway...I am sure if all of those things don't get them the K-bar will hehehe. That'll teach 'em. You really should listen to the episode of Adventures in Odyssey when Connie goes after her boyfriend's abductors with a crow bar. It is quite enlightening.

Jim said...

I'd hate to run into Amy with a K-BAR...

Anonymous said...

Amy, I LOVE your plan :) Dan has been gone for 6 days and FINALLY comes home tomorrow!! Every night except last night I talked, read & prayed with him before bed. Last night...we did that all but before I was ready for bed and then I couldn't settle down to go to bed...i ironed, fixed the buttons on his suit, played with pictures, missed him like crazy, thought about how tired i would be on Sunday, prayed for everyone God put on my heart, and finally decided to go to bed. *sigh* what is it about our men that make us feel so safe-and I even lived on my own (though with roommates) lots of years before getting married!! I wish that we lived closer :-S