Saturday, August 2, 2008

this is getting old.

This is the third night this week I'll be going to bed alone. Oh, he's always there when I wake up, I'm okay with waking up alone. I get to leisurely check my email, shower, whatever I want. I really don't like going to sleep alone. The apartment makes more noises at night.

John and I were just starting to get to the good part in our movie, but it wasn't scary yet thankfully. Anyways. I just went into the kitchen because I was hungry, and I almost got a carrot out of the fridge because I haven't had my 3-5 servings of veggies today, but then I saw the donuts on top of the fridge and was like "you know what... THREE times this week. It's Saturday night and I'm alone. I'm eating an entire donut." So I did. And it was fantastic. Thanks mom and Christi for the donuts.

Oh well. At least it's a short trip and he'll be home before morning. Maybe he'll even get to go to church with me :) Yesterday John flew a passenger trip instead of cargo. It was a team of doctors that he flew from Cincinnati down to Texas to pick up some organ from a person that had just died, and then flew them back to Cincinnati to do the transplant. He said they actually got on with a cooler. He got home at 2:30 AM with an incredible amount of energy so we stayed up and talked for a while. And then slept in until almost 10. I guess there are some perks to his job. It's going to stink royally when I start my job though!

Okay that's all. I just don't like being all alone, and blogging feels like talking. Which is probably why I blogstalk people when I'm alone...


Caitlin Long said...

Oh Amy, I totally felt like I was sitting in your apartment while I read this...except for the fact that I don't have any donuts :[

It would have been funny if John would have lost the organ to a dog and had to chase it across the desert like in 'Rat Race'. Ha. Ha.

Ahem...I miss you!

Peggy said...

I don't like being alone at night either, but now that we have Hallie that isn't a problem. HMMMMM maybe you should have kids ;). I know you hope to adopt someday, but I do have to say that it truly is worth the pain to have one of your own :) One nice thing about adoption (besides having no childbirth) is that fact that our precious government helps in a pretty big way. I am not sure how international adoption goes, but with adopting in the states you get $10,000 back in Federal taxes and $5,000 back in state taxes.....BONUS huh?

Heidi said...

If you don't like being alone at night, you could always adopt a ferret. *grin*

Anonymous said...

ferret..ferret...did I say ferret?


Anonymous said...

Hang in there ames.. a week or even a couple of weeks without your novio is hard, but you should try 2 1/2 MONTHS.. oh, and you can't talk, either.. or email..

oh life is crazy sometimes.