Tuesday, November 18, 2008

nothing eventful to report

Not having the internet has really been a change. I feel disconnected from my facebook acquaintances because I no longer see all of the status changes. If I want to know where something is, I have to guess. Or realize it really isn't that important and I shouldn't go. Overall I think it's going to be good. AND it's saving us money. Speaking of saving money, John was on a money saving roll yesterday. He called our car insurance provider to let them know we moved, and because of our new location, we save over $100 a year. Apartment complexes must really be dangerous for vehicles :) We also switched to a lower minute cell phone plan. Maybe our Crown study is paying off... Speaking of Crown, this Saturday is our final class. It's kind of sad :(

John and I went to Chicago this weekend to see my cousin Kaitlyn, and I would post pictures, but I left my camera at home. Next time. It was SO much fun. She lives above a little flower shop, and we walked or took the el everywhere. Thanks Kaits for a great weekend and yummy food!

Nothing too much is happening. We're s....l....o....w...l....y putting our house together. John put the light in the upstairs bathroom in today. For the past two weeks we've had a lamp on the counter.

That's all. Really. Except for a picture of John sleeping with Taryn's kitty. I think it's cute.


Caitlin Long said...

...i want to see john sleeping with the deer he capped.

i think that crown is paying off. not only are you saving money, but not having the internet is presumably drastically decreasing your facebook stalk time ;] now is that two birds with one stone, or what?

love you!

heysoos said...

hehe. how cuuute is that picture. oh wait. lemme answer. SO CUTE! =P
miss you.

Anonymous said...

johnny...sleeping with a cat? =P

the things a good woman does to a guy! who woulda thunk it!?

agree with suz..very cute picture.

Anonymous said...


new post!

new post!

new post!

(your everloving brotherinlaw)

andrew k said...

Congratulations on finishing Crown! Did you guys love it? I did it with a small, diverse group here in Phoenix. We had a lot of fun and learned a lot; unfortunately I haven't really been able to reform the way I spend money yet. It was a good experience though.