Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Country Inn & Suites

John has been in Minneapolis MN for the past week and a half for more training, and I was able to fly out last Wednesday after work to be with him, and enjoy the company paid for hotel room :)

John's bro and sister-in-law also live in MN, so we were able to spend some time with them, and get to know Krissa better. They took us to lots of neat places in St. Paul, and let us crash their Christmas party. I think John wants to move to MN now... except for the fact that it's been under 0 degrees many of the days we've been here.

That's the only picture we've taken the whole week. It was an amazing week though. John and I love eating out, but don't do it that often as it gets kind of expensive. So this week of HAVING to eat out and having his work pay for most of it has been a dream come true :)


Caitlin Long said...

'that's the only picture we've taken the whole week.'


Anonymous said...

Awwwww... Johnny looks so cute!! (Yes, Jim Does too) Glad you had fun!!


Your Mother :)

Kaitlyn I said...

love you. miss you and good to hear about your life through posts but I am not satisfied :). I will be calling soon! Last year we were together for the Parade and 2 years ago we were together for Traci's wedding. HAPPY NEW YEAR

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!:) I came across your blog not long ago - glad that you're doing well in MI. I enjoyed getting to know you last fall! I'll always remember your anniversary date;)

Jim said...

Yay.. it was great to have you two out here!

Hop a plane and visit us any time :)

Kyle Fiechter said...

i didn't know this blog existed! i am really extremely happy i found it, but not happy that you haven't posted this year. you should probably remedy that