Friday, December 4, 2009

countdown to vacation time!

I've been sick for about a week with an energy-sucking head cold. The laundry hasn't been done. John has made dinner the past two nights. Good luck finding whatever you're looking for if you left it on the floor because it's a popular place for everything from tootsie roll wrappers to coupons that fell off the table to cranberries from stringing cranberries and popcorn the other night. Working six days this week may also have contributed to me wanting to just sit on the couch and sleep. John has been a trooper though and has run errands for me, not complained about wearing the same clothes to work days in a row, and gotten me medicine when I don't feel like moving. And now he's coming down with it. It'll be my turn to take care of him next :)

We leave for vacation in 13 days. SOOOOOO excited. We're so busy until then, I think it's going to fly by.

John has an interview this upcoming Wednesday morning, and we would appreciate any prayers people would be willing to give on our behalf. It would be such a great career move, but as with last time, leaving our friends, family and home would be difficult.

I think that's all. Just for fun I counted the pairs of shoes that are on the floor in our living room and NOT in the clost-- 5 pairs of shoes. Think we're lazy?? :)


Autumn said...

hope you both get feeling better soon! where are you going on vacation? and where might you be moving? glad to hear all is well. take care.

Jane said...

Awww. I'm so sorry. I hope you are feeling better by now. It was so fun to be together with you guys in Detroit!! Keep me posted on the interview and all. Love you bunches!!

--John.and.Amy said...

Autumn-- we're going on a cruise to the Caribbean with John's entire family. Soooo excited. And the job is in Austin TX. Right about now I think I would want to move just for the warmth :)

Jane-- we'll for sure keep you posted. John would have to let his second mother if he was moving :) :)

Caitlin Long said...

have way too much fun on your vacation!

and i will pray for sure (but just to clarify, austin, tx is code for budapest, hungary, riiiight?) ;]

love you!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you're sick, honey!! So excited for you guys and your upcoming vacation :)

Love you... Mom

J and A said...

-Awww, your house sounds so fantastically decorated with cranberries and popcorn, oh my! :) Come decorate my house next...
-You better be feeling better so we can hang tomorrow...
-I have 6 pairs of shoes on my floor, and I'm not sick (though I included Liam's that are lying around). But I no longer have anything else lying around (or try not to anyways) as Liam has taken to eating ANYTHING he can (including shoes... yuck!)
-I love how I sent you a text, but already have my answer from your previous comments.